Episode 07: The Trauma of Abuse Caused Her Brain to Split Into More than 100 Personalities

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After her father and uncle severely abused her as a child, Marielle's brain, in an effort to protect her from the extreme trauma, developed dissociative identity disorder at just 4 years old. Over the next three decades, she would come to develop more than 100 unique personalities, each one breaking off at another traumatic point in her life. As an adult, an abuser found her, preyed on her vulnerabilities, and Marielle found herself and her daughter trapped in his cycle of violence and control, nearly being starved to death before a personality named Dagger saved their lives. Her incredible true story, and her ongoing efforts to call out the California family court judge who did nothing to protect her daughter. (1 hour 3 minutes)


Episode 08: Netflix’s Bridgerton - Let’s Discuss THAT Scene


Episode 06: Pro-Sports Doesn’t Want to Bench Their Lady-Beaters