Episode 06: Pro-Sports Doesn’t Want to Bench Their Lady-Beaters

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If a dude is good with balls, does he get a pass on being violent toward women? It seems to be that way in much of the pro-sports world, where pro-athletes are repeatedly accused or arrested for domestic violence or assault, only to find themselves giggling all the way to the bank after their multimillion-dollar payday. In this episode, we look at guys including Floyd “Money” Mayweather, Jr., Dennis Rodman, Jeffery Taylor, Jose Conseco, Ray Rice and Tyreek Hill, and also hear from domestic violence expert Rita Smith, advisor to the NFL, who is trying to help them create policies to hold athletes more accountable. Here's hoping they listen to her. (1 hour 2 minutes)


Episode 07: The Trauma of Abuse Caused Her Brain to Split Into More than 100 Personalities


Episode 05: Shocker, Marilyn Manson Is an Abuser and Victims Are Getting Blamed