Post-Election Thoughts: We Women Will Need To Save Ourselves Again

Deep breath. It's been a week. We come to you downtrodden and unshowered to commiserate in our feelings, all of which are valid. No dissection of Kamala's campaign, no grand plans for the future today — just acknowledgment that things are shitty but [hopefully] won't be forever because guess what? Women are strong as hell.

We're sorry that not enough white women knew the assignment. Black women, thank you once again for showing up. We have so much work to do to address racism, internalized misogyny and ignorance in our culture. We thought we were making some progress but LOLOLOL. 

Sigh. We'll make it, ladies. When DT speaks of the enemy within, let's raise our hands and say, "Present."


Episode 100: Abusive Husband Michael Tormented His Family for Years But Family Court Dropped All Charges, Accused Mom of Alienating Kids…


Episode 99: Why Women Having Power, aka Kamala Harris, Pisses Some People Right Off