Episode 92: Why Don’t We Believe Women? Survivor Records Abuser, Still Accused of Lying

For the love of all things holy, can we just start believing women? I guess not. That's why we're going to keep doing this podcast. 

Jazzy reached out to Toxic to tell her story after escaping an abusive partner, with whom she had a child. His abuse ramped up while she was pregnant—an unfortuantely common trait among a-hole abusers who may or not feel like a pregnancy takes attention away from THEM and that's just not going to stand. 

But Jazzy is smart and she recorded his tirades, his threats and even him admitting to putting his hands around her neck. She took this evidence to a court of law which promptly found the abuser not guilty, claiming there was no way they could tell if she had fabricated this recording. Because yes, that's what us women do with our time.

It's not like there's a shortage of abusive men—we certainly do not have to lie and pretend they exist. But, it is any easy way for an abuser to shift the blame.

Listen to Jazzy's story in her own words and then consider checking out her podcast on finding financial independence called First Hustle Then Brunch (which Amanda was honored to make a guest appeareance on last October for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. You can listen to that episode here.)

If you suspect you're in danger at home and a partner is escalating their violence, please consider utilizing one of these Danger Assessment Tools

Do you have a story you think we need to discuss or a guest we should have on? Visit us at ToxicthePodcast.com and tell us all about it. 

As always, if you are experiencing abuse or domestic violence, please consider disclosing to someone you trust. You can also reach out to a trained domestic violence advocate—find one near you at DomesticShelters.org.


Episode 93: Project 2025 is One Option…OR, THERE’S KAMALA.


Episode 91: Creepy Pastor John-Paul Miller Tries to Gaslight His Congregation Before Wife’s Death