Episode 74: Toxic Dish—Sinéad O'Connor Was Totally Justified in Her Pope Moment

Last week, phenomenal singer, songwriter, political activist and survivor Sinéad O'Connor passed away. In 1992, she ripped up a picture of the Pope John Paul II on SNL and shouted "Fight the real enemy!" It caused a hullabaloo because, omg, God. But she had her reasons. Good ones. Jenna and Amanda discuss. 

We're also talking about Prager University, not a university, whose tagline is "Make kids racist again" and its infiltration into Florida elementary schools. 

And finally, a court in Italy ruled a 17-year-old wasn't actually sexually assulted because the school janitor's in-pants groping of her only lasted about 10 seconds and apparently, only 11 seconds of touching causes trauma. Courts! So smart!  

If you're a victim of sexual assault, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline online or by calling 800-656-4673.

Do you have a story you think we need to discuss or a guest we should have on? Visit us at ToxicthePodcast.com and tell us all about it. 

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Episode 75: Not the Fun Kind of Camp—Family Reunification Camps, aka, Legalized Kidnappings, Are Disturbing as Hell


Episode 73: The Incomparable Tina Turner Spoke Out About Abuse When All People Wanted to Know Was "Where's Ike?"