Episode 51: Andrew Tate and Alex Jones Are Our D-Bags of The Week

The audacity of men continues with Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist who denies peddling conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook massacre to make millions after he was sued by the grieving parents for millions more, and Andrew Tate, a random dude who realized he could get other dudes to send him money if he started spouting violently sexist bullshit on social media. This is the world we live in (wait...why are women afraid to date men?!). 

Also, we talk about two missing girls, Kiely Rodni and Kadence Morrell (among many other women who are also actively missing) and why the media is only talking about one. I bet you can guess why. Their missing posters are linked below. 

Also, now through Sept. 15, head to our website to enter our first-ever listener survey. Let us know your thoughts on how we're doing with Toxic and what you want to see more of. Ten questions, two minutes tops, and you'll be entered to win Toxic merch of your choice.


Kiely Rodni Missing Poster

Kadence Morrell Missing Poster


Episode 52: What Is Toxic Positivity and Why Is It So Annoying?


Episode 50: We’re 50! Who are Jenna and Amanda? The Mystery Is Solved.