Episode 35: Online Dating, Waukesha Tragedy and Monique Faison Ross' Book "Playing Dead" Stays With You

Jenna tried online dating for about 12 hours and promptly deleted it, mostly because of the overwhelming number of fish-holding men on Bumble. After that, we get into more serious topics, namely what just happened in Waukesha, Wisconsin, our home state, on Nov. 21. How our slacking criminal justice system let accused murderer Darrell Brooks go on a $1,000 bail (for running over a woman with his car) just five days prior to him driving his SUV through a parade crowd, killing six and injuring 60 more. For our main story this week, Amanda's tells us about a dude named Chris (not his real name because, guess what, he's free — shocker) who tried and failed to kill his ex-wife, Monique Faison Ross, in 1997 after years of escalating abuse. Ross talks to us about how she found the strength to fight for her life, what it feels like with her ex out of jail, and updates us on Hollywood's interest in telling her story.

Show Notes:
Skip to 46:57 to hear Monique’s story. Skip to 1:22:56 to hear our interview with Monique.


Playing Dead: A Memoir of Terror and Survival


Episode 36: What Elliot Rodger Did Was Misogynistic Terrorism


Episode 34: Three Murderous Men and the Victims Who Tried to Get Help