Episode 21: Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein Were Bros, and Mrs. Gates Said 'I'm Out'


Bill and Melinda gates announced plans to end their 27-year marriage this past May and allegations immediately begin to circle Bill surrounding his penchant for trying to hit on some of his female employees. Dirty, but not predatory. At least ... not yet. Then came some flight logs that showed Bill met with convicted rapist of teenagers, Jeffrey Epstein, on his private jet. Multiple times. And dined with him at some shady exclusive dinners funded by Epstein. Of course, Gates says, "We were business bros" and Epstein says nothing because he's hiding somewhere on Rape Island.... we mean, he's dead because he died by suicide (?) in 2019 while in prison. What is it with men and money and their desire to buy women? Do they just get bored buying gold bathroom faucets after a while? Speaking of men with unlimited amounts of money and power, we also bring Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk into this conversation wherein Jenna schools Amanda on the fact that Musk has a child named Bleep Bleep Bloop.


Episode 22: Britney’s Dad is an Abusive A-Hole and How the Media Covers Homicide Needs Improvement


Season 2, Episode 20: Escaping a Forced Marriage, aka, Don't Underestimate a Determined Mama