Episode 17: "Alex" Threatens Revenge Porn and Maybe a Stabbing if He Feels Like It


Abusive partners can brainwash victims to a point where they don't even realize what they just endured was domestic violence until years after they've escaped. In this episode, we break down how it took a freelance writing gig about domestic violence for Shelley to realize a previous partner was actually more than just a toxic a-hole, he was a dangerous and manipulative abuser escalating his power and control. Getting out just in time, she considers herself "one of the lucky ones." From revenge porn to a near-fatal motorcycle ride, "Alex" knew exactly what he was doing in order to keep his ex-girlfriend terrified enough to stay and our guess is he's still out there doing it to a new women. Hi, lack of accountability, party of one, your table is ready.


Episode 18: Interview with Josephine Wentzel, A Badass Mom Hunting Down Her Daughter's Killer


Episode 16: Raymond McLeod Is Wanted for Murder and Security Expert Spencer Coursen on Safety Traps