Episode 12: Robert Aaron Long Hates Women and the Army Says Okey Dokey to Domestic Violence

Last Tuesday night, Robert Aaron Long, instead of dealing with his own mental health issues like a responsible grown up person, decided it made more sense to murder seven women and one man he claims are responsible for him not being able to stop thinking dirty thoughts and police are all, "He had a bad day." After we break down that mess, we tell the story of "The Army Dude" who abused his wife for seven years while also abusing alcohol while also flying helicopters and the Army said, "Let's pretend we don't know this is happening." We hear from his ex-wife on how she wishes the military would have done literally anything to help. (1 hour 35 minutes)


Episode 13: Having the Sex Talk With Teens Featuring Author Shafia Zaloom


Episode 11: Toxic Bosses, aka, Men Who Think Female Employees and Staplers Deserve Equal Respect