Episode 10: Piers Morgan Feels Entitled to Meghan Markle and This Is Toxic Masculinity in a Nutshell


A very married Piers Morgan has been shaming the brave and brilliant Duchess Meghan Markle on Good Morning Britain for almost five years because he believes she "ghosted" him after she drank an alcoholic beverage in his vicinity at a pub in 2016. Thankfully, Morgan fired himself from the show on Monday after being called out by an amazingly brilliant, non-toxic male coworker on air (clip included!). Listen to this fuckery and tell us that men don't have a problem with their egos. (48 minutes)


Episode 11: Toxic Bosses, aka, Men Who Think Female Employees and Staplers Deserve Equal Respect


Episode 09: Governor Andrew Cuomo Would Like to Force Himself on Subordinates Without Repercussion