Episode 27: Let's Talk Larry Nassar and All the People Who Enabled Him to Touch Kids


Larry Nassar, pedophila enthusiast who confused himself for a doctor once, sexually abused some 500 girls, many of whom were U.S. gymnasts and nine of whom were Olympic athletes. He's now spending the rest of his days in a place where he's likely finding out what the other side of abuse feels like but he could have started his stay there much earlier if only there weren't a slew of people who knew he was a pedo and ignored it or tried to pretend they couldn't see it like a cat that hides only its head under the couch but you can clearly still see three-quarters of its body and it thinks it's sneaky but it's actually just kind of dumb in a cute way. THIS story, however, is not cute, so trigger warnings and all that jazz. Jenna and Amanda delve into all the details about Nassar starting at the very beginning and culminating with this year's Tokyo Olympics where it turns out nothing whatsoever has appeared to change as yet another report of sexual assault goes unheeded.


Episode 28: Tucson, AZ Mass Shooting in July — Another Man Chooses Violence to Deal with Trauma


Episode 26: Kicking Ass and Taking Names—Self-Defense with Badass Tara McClure